Welcome to High Point 2045, a plan to create a stronger, more sustainable, and vibrant High Point.


The High Point 2045 Comprehensive Plan envisions the next generation of development and investment across our city.

This comprehensive plan is the City of High Point’s official policy for the future growth and development of the city. It was created through an extensive public process that brought together residents, business owners, and policy makers to reach consensus on a vision for the future of High Point.

This plan is a decision-making guide for city staff, the Planning and Zoning Commission, and the City Council on a day-to-day basis and shall direct High Point’s long-term policies. It is also a guide for the entire community, including individuals, families, businesses, and non-profit organizations and each person or group should consider playing an active role to ensure accountability to this plan.

This site is a web-based version of the comprehensive plan but does not include all of the detail included in the full document.

Our Priorities

Three priorities, or Big Things, shall be the focus of the city moving forward. It is important that these identified community issues are prioritized by the city’s decision-makers.

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As we continue to grow over the next 20 years, how we develop as a city will influence the kind of quality of life we will enjoy into the future.

Throughout the High Point 2045 planning process people acknowledged that High Point will continue to grow. However, the community made it clear during scenario planning that it wants to grow differently - with a focus on growing inward.

This new growth framework requires several key components working together. Higher density mixed-use Activity Centers will concentrate new development into a much smaller geographic footprint. The areas outside of activity centers will be guided by Place Types that convey both land use and character. Open Space Preservation will ensure that land will be there for future generations to enjoy, and high-quality Urban Design will help to create an urban form that all people can be proud of. Through the scenario planning process it was determined that all of the projected growth for the next 20 years can be accommodated in the Activity centers.


This section lays the groundwork for implementation of HP2045 by outlining a tiered approach to ensure this comprehensive plan is fully executed over the course of the next fifteen to twenty years.

It’s a daunting task and one that requires the full support of the City Council, the Planning and Zoning Commission and all departments within City Hall. It’s not solely a responsibility of the Planning Department, its implementation will require the efforts of all departments under the leadership of the Planning and Zoning Commission, City Council and the continued support of the community.

Our Way Forward