Strategic Initiatives

Diversify and Integrate Housing with Other Land Uses and Transportation Options

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5. Develop a Greenbelt Program

Strategy Actions

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As a means of open space preservation as outlined in the Growth Framework it is recommended that High Point collaborate with the county(s) and other local stakeholders to develop a strategy for a greenbelt beyond the City’s current municipal boundary. The strategy would involve the preservation of swaths of agricultural and forest land to maintain the open or natural character and/or for future recreational uses.

Include a methodology for selecting vacant land to preserve as open space.

Developing a methodology for identifying vacant land to preserve and a process for acquiring the land or its development rights is a critical first step in preserving land within the existing City boundary and within the Planning Area. Consider the tools as outlined in the Growth Framework section of this plan and deploy as necessary.

A component of the methodology should include a detailed framework with criteria for vacant land acquisition. The following should be used as a starting point:

Location – land is located within the existing Planning Area or within the City’s municipal boundary outside of an activity area and is facing development pressure

Availability – the property is for sale or the owner is willing to donate the property to the City or provide a conservation easement

Significance - the property is essential to the City’s overall goal of trail / greenway connectivity, park expansion, or preservation of important views, or local historic, agricultural or natural heritage

Value – the property is priced below or at a market price and in line with the appraised value

Consider a referendum to establish a local open space bond (general obligation or GO bond) or open space sales tax dedicated to land acquisition.

This effort will benefit from the establishment of a Greenbelt Advisory Board of dedicated advocates for open space to assist with community outreach and educational efforts to explain the importance of open space, agricultural, and forested lands.  They can also lead a grassroots fundraising campaign.

Coordinate with the Piedmont Land Conservancy (PLC) to continue the use of voluntary conservation easements to preserve land from development. 

Conservation easements are voluntary legal agreements that help landowners permanently protect their lands from future intensive platting and development.  They maintain private ownership and offer potential estate and income tax benefits and are negotiable documents that match owners’ property-use needs with long-term benefits to their community.

Create a multi-jurisdictional task force to coordinate a regional rezoning campaign with the four surrounding counties to designate land within the Planning Area as an Agricultural/Rural District with a minimum lot size of five or ten acres. 

Coordinate with the Piedmont Triad Regional Council (PTRC) to take the lead on the newly created Greenbelt Program.

The Planning Area that surrounds the City’s boundary contains approximately 20,000 acres in total (not inclusive of rights-of-way). Much of this area has existing large lot or farm housing scattered throughout the area, but this map illustrates approximately 6,000 acres that have yet to be developed – agriculture, forest, or vacant land. These lands are at risk based upon ongoing development pressures.

Connections to other planning efforts

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Draft Baseline Analysis IWAF Model

Draft Baseline Analysis IWAF Model

The City of High Point’s Public Services Department is working to finalize an Integrated Watershed Assessment Framework (IWAF). The 2023 draft references the anticipated impacts of continued development in the Planning Area and suggests that ongoing growth in this area with an increase in rooftops, driveways, parking lots and other impervious surfaces “…could lead to a degradation of the water quality conditions in the lakes if mitigation measures are not implemented in a timely manner.”

Implementation Timeline for this Strategic Initiative

Success Measures

Target Year/Range

Greenbelt Advisory Board is established


Dedicated funding for the Greenbelt Program is in place and land acquisition begins


Strategic Initiatives for this Priority

Strategic initiatives refer to carefully planned actions or projects that the city will need to undertake to achieve this plan’s desired outcomes for each of the Big Things.

Learn more about these and other Strategic Initiatives in Our Way Forward