Activity Centers & Corridors
The High Point community overwhelmingly recommended a ‘course correction’ or ‘major course correction’ with a majority of residents specifically supporting the following growth mandate:
New growth is directed to mixed-use activity centers that cluster residential and commercial development allowing for walkable and bikeable options and funding is provided for open space preservation and/or acquisition.

Activity centers are mixed-use districts where there is a concentration of commercial and other land uses that attract people for socializing, shopping, entertainment, and work.
Three types of centers are represented - regional, town, and neighborhood centers. These activity centers were identified by the planning team based on a combination of factors including, but not limited to: the availability of vacant and /or underutilized land, the likely continuation of recent development trends, notable market strength or weakness, proximity to corridors and expressways, and general distribution throughout the city.
In addition to the activity centers, key corridors recommended for streetscape improvements and mixed-use infill are also noted on the map.
Value Per Acre
It is well documented that the value per acre for traditional higher density mixed-use development is typically higher than for single-use suburban development. The cost of infrastructure along with the ability to get more square footage on fewer acres plays an important role in this added value. The higher value provides additional long-term tax revenue for the city and a higher return on investment for developers.
Learn more about the Activity Centers and Corridors: