Strategic Initiatives

Cultivate a Sense of Community and Unity

Cultivate a Sense of Community and Unity Icon

5. Collaborate with Partners to Revitalize the Southwest Area

Strategy Actions


The introduction to the plan for the area located in the southwest quadrant of High Point states:

“The Blueprints for Southwest High Point provide a collection of transferable redevelopment strategies to create a walkable, connected, mixed-use district that embraces modern-day industry, jobs, and commerce along the Heritage Greenway. With its close proximity to Downtown, coupled with a long legacy of industry and rich history of community, Southwest High Point has the ability to become a proud example of revitalization that both preserves neighborhood character and accommodates strategic infill development.  As properties are re-purposed and the lost spaces between buildings are reclaimed, public improvement and private investment can work in partnership to stitch this area of High Point back together in an orderly smart, and flexible way.” 

The southwest quadrant of High Point includes 535 acres of industrial, commercial and residential land uses that are ripe for revitalization efforts.  The Blueprints plan is a high-altitude plan that recommends a path forward to ensure the adaptive reuse of land uses that are now underutilized as a result of businesses in the area either going out of business or moving out of the area.

One of the activity centers recommended in this comprehensive plan is located in the heart of the southwest quadrant – the 300 Oak Street block – and is an essential component of the overall success of the area’s revitalization efforts.  This area will serve as a litmus test to demonstrate what can be accomplished when the city and the SWRF collaborate – the success of this catalyst project is critical to recommended revitalization efforts outside of the downtown, specifically relative to those activity centers that require retrofitting, or redevelopment efforts. The updated development ordinance should reflect some of this area as Transitional Industrial - a place type aimed at reusing and repurposing former industrial buildings.

Connections to other planning efforts

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Implementation Timeline for this Strategic Initiative

Success Measures

Target Year/Range

Develop standards and regulations that will apply to the Transitional Industrial place type


300 Oak Street catalyst project is fully redeveloped and operational


Strategic Initiatives for this Priority

Strategic initiatives refer to carefully planned actions or projects that the city will need to undertake to achieve this plan’s desired outcomes for each of the Big Things.

Learn more about these and other Strategic Initiatives in Our Way Forward