HP2045 Process

A Community-Driven Process

The High Point 2045 planning process included three overlapping phases over 15-months between January 2023 and April 2024. It was guided by a Steering Committee and the general public to ensure that the plan reflected the community’s vision and preferred direction for growth.

High Point 2045 was as much about having a community dialogue as it was about producing the comprehensive plan.

While the primary purpose of High Point 2045 was the production of a comprehensive plan to help manage anticipated growth and development in the city, it provided the opportunity for the High Point community to talk about important community topics.

July 2023 Open House
April 2023 Open House

Community Voices and Outreach

The HighPoint2045 comprehensive plan was developed through broad and robust community engagement and the community’s voices were instrumental in crafting all aspects of the HighPoint2045 Comprehensive Plan.

The High Point 2045 Process

Process Graphic

The High Point 2045 process was informed and guided by the High Point community through several methods of engagement.

Steering Committee

Steering Committee

A 23-member steering committee of local residents, businesses owners, and civic leaders worked closely with the planning team throughout the process. Their input was supplemented by meetings with City staff and discussions with City Council and the Planning and Zoning Commission.

Kitchen Table Conversations

Kitchen Table Conversations

Steering committee members hosted Kitchen Table Conversations - small, facilitated discussions with groups of neighbors, friends, and colleagues. These discussions helped to identify community values and priorities.

Online Survey

Online Survey

An online survey included over 300 participants and provided important feedback regarding how High Point should grow. Participants provided guidance on things like future development character, density, and open space preservation funding.

Stakeholder Groups

Stakeholder Groups

Early in the planning process, meetings were held with local stakeholder groups including Art and Design, Historic Preservation, Neighborhoods, Banking and Business, Development and Real Estate, Institutional Partners, and Environmental and Civic Non-profits. These groups provided early insight into key challenges and opportunities to be considered in developing the High Point 2045 plan.

Open Houses

Open Houses

In-person and interactive open houses were held in each of the three phases. Daytime and evening meetings were held each round. An online version was also available for two weeks following each round. The open houses provided the opportunity for residents to learn about the planning process and have in-depth conversations with steering committee members and the planning team about key issues, core values, priorities, as well as the preferred growth framework.

Project website


A project website was developed at the start of the planning process and was used to keep the public up-to-date on the planning process and its findings. Community members were also able to sign-up for notifications and share information with the planning team 24/7.

Community Voices

“I believe there has been lots of great changes to the area. My family loves many of the new shops and restaurants. We love the Rockers. However, my family moved to Colfax due to the crime and drugs in the downtown area. My family home neighborhood of over 44 years no longer felt safe. It was heartbreaking to sell and leave.”
-Comment from April Open House

Community Voices

“Difficult question: but HP has survived many challenges (manufacturing decline, market challenges) declining activity in DT outside of Market) but it has meet those challenges and risen in other areas consistently.”
-Comment from April Open House

Community Voices

“Washington Street, the African American Initiative of Greater High Point, the High Point Public Library, and community art efforts.”
-Comment from April Open House
(in response to "When I think about [blank], I get excited about High Point's future.)

Community Voices

“I had noticed a decline here in High Point over the last decade. However, over the past year or so I have seen a birthing of new life up and down Main St! New businesses and family oriented establishments are popping up and it’s exciting to see. There is still work to be done but I think High Point is bouncing back. […]”
-Comment from April Open House

Community Voices

“For quite a few years now many different groups and organizations have started efforts to help with the revitalization of our City. These groups have had varying degrees of success, but I believe that all of them are, or have been important building blocks to where we find ourselves now. These efforts are finally starting to coalesce into unified action. We are on the cusp of great growth. Like a flywheel, it takes a lot of energy to start moving, but once it does, it builds speed and momentum”

-Comment from April Open House