Process & Team

Working together to shape High Point's future for years to come

Background Process and Team

View materials (presentations, meeting summaries, visuals, etc.) from each phase of the process. Materials will be added as they become available.

Phase 2

Vision, Values, Principles and Priorities

Phase 2 Engagement


Mini Timeline Phase 2

What happens in this phase?

We will engage High Point’s stakeholders and identify the core values that will help shape how decisions are made in High Point. We will use those values to craft planning principles to help guide our actions. We will develop a vision for the future expressed by what we value and apply our principles to choices, and what we prioritize.

Documents and Materials

Learn how you can get involved and add your voice to the conversation!

The community-driven process will seek community feedback at key points through open houses, an online survey and stakeholder meetings.

Sign up for Notify Me to stay updated on progress and opportunities to join the conversation!