Process & Team

Working Together to Shape High Point's Future for Years to Come

Background Process and Team

High Point 2045 is the community-based effort to develop a new comprehensive plan for the City of High Point, NC. The process is coordinated by the City’s Department of Planning & Development, a 23 member steering committee of community representatives, and the consultant team of czbLLC.

High Point Team
Steering Committee

At the heart of the High Point 2045 process is a Steering Committee of High Point residents who represent a wide range of backgrounds and community viewpoints. Together, along with feedback solicited from the broader public throughout the process, they will capture the essence of the community’s vision and craft a comprehensive plan to present to City Council.

High Point Steering Committee March 2023 Meeting

There will be six (6) rounds of meetings throughout the High Point 2045 planning process. Each round will include a meeting with the Steering Committee. Meetings with City Council, Planning and Zoning Commission, and other key stakeholders will be scheduled as needed throughout the process.

Steering Committee Meetings

Learn how you can get involved and add your voice to the conversation!

The community-driven process will seek community feedback at key points through open houses, an online survey and stakeholder meetings.

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