Process & Team

Working together to shape High Point's future for years to come

Background Process and Team

The Steering Committee, along with feedback solicited from the broader public will capture the essence of the community’s vision and craft a comprehensive plan to present to City Council.

Three overlapping phases are being used to organize High Point’s planning process, which will take place over the 15 months between January 2023 and April 2024.

Phase 1 - Analysis and Key Issue Identification

We will learn about the key issues and trends that have been shaping and are likely to continue to shape High Point. 

Phase 2 - Vision, Values, Principles and Priorities 

We will engage High Point’s stakeholders and identify the core values that will help shape how decisions are made in High Point. We will use those values to craft planning principles to help guide our actions. We will develop a vision for the future expressed by what we value and apply our principles to choices, and what we prioritize.

Phase 3 - Refinement, Finalization and Adoption 

We will develop a plan that is implementable with strategies to achieve well-defined outcomes. We will translate our long-term vision into investments, policy changes, new or modified programs, and new or modified ways of getting things done.


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The community-driven process will seek community feedback at key points through open houses, an online survey and stakeholder meetings.

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